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The Apartment Maggie's Visit - Teil 2


1)  Maggie wants to write her mother, because _________.

  • she has good news to tell her
  • it's her mother's birthday
  • her mother will worry if she doesn't hear from her
  • her mother is also in Berlin

2)  Where did Julia and Rachael stay when they first arrived in Berlin?

  • They stayed in the apartment next door to theirs.
  • They stayed at a hotel.
  • They stayed at a friend's apartment.
  • They stayed in a sublet.

3)  How does Maggie feel when she arrives?

  • She is tired and jet-lagged.
  • She is anxious.
  • She is hungry.
  • She is full of energy.

4)  Maggie thinks her friends' apartment is ______________.

  • too small for two people
  • a perfect place for the two of them
  • a bit messy
  • in a bad neighborhood

5)  Rachael and Julia are excited to show Maggie _________.

  • their office
  • their favorite park
  • their favorite museum
  • their new apartment

6)  Maggie forgot to bring _________.

  • a towel
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • a map of Berlin
  • a pillow