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Anne-Marie & Ed Sheeran 2002 [Official Acoustic Video]

Mittleres Niveau

1)  Which expression in the song means to sing as loudly as possible?

  • "Singing at the tip of our tongues"
  • "Singing at the top of our lungs"
  • "Singing in the pit of our stomachs"
  • "Singing by the skin of our teeth"

2)  Which is part of a car?

  • The stern
  • The handlebar
  • The hood
  • The rudder

3)  Which kind of cup do the singers remember drinking from?

  • Champagne flutes
  • Wine glasses
  • Plastic cups
  • Paper cups

4)  True or false? Anne-Marie and Ed Sheeran wrote the song.

  • True, they wrote it together.
  • False, Ed plays guitar, but Anne-Marie wrote the song.

5)  Where did the friends dance and sing on a car?

  • In the middle of the street
  • In the middle of the woods
  • At the top of a hill
  • On a windswept beach